Thursday, 7 July 2011

Wednesday, July 6,2011 Banana nana boo boo

I'm soooo lovin' this weather. The sunshine makes everything so bright and cheery. Our banana plants are growing like weeds. One of the leaves just opened up on the weekend and another one is well on it's way to opening in the next few days if the sunny weather stays. My grandson Tristan thinks we will eventually get bananas on it but I informed him it wouldn't probably be for 20 years. My day is excellent so far. Hank's day.....not so much. He started out by having his scooter fall over this morning and the mirror was on the plant pot when I got up. It's sustained some scratches and a bent fender. It was in prime condition when he bought it and now it looks like he's been in some sort of bumper race with it. Now he phones to tell us he has a flat tire. Big nail in it ( work in a lumber mill. There will probably be nails there) and the air won't stay in the tire and could someone pick him and the scooter up. He's going golfing with his friend so I'm sure he will be alright once he's on the links. Let's hope the scooter can be mended and looking all new and cute again. So until tomorrow I bid you good bye and happy scootering.

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