Thursday, 28 July 2011

Thursday, July 28 Grab bag of goodies

Who can resist a grab bag? Not I. It usually has junk in it but if the price is right I'll bite. Karen and I went shopping to the States again today. The guy at the border is almost on a first name basis with me. He's starting to get a little too familiar, if you know what I mean. Today he asked his normal questions: where you going, where do you live, then when Karen said we were going down to look for some clothes for me for my cruise in January, he wanted to know why I wanted to go on a cruise when the weather is 32 degrees with a stiff nor'easter blowing. Really? So we made friends and continued on our way. We stopped at Michaels first to see what Karen could possibly buy that she didn't already have for scrapbooking. Again I'm baffled at where she is putting all these purchases and expect that Bob will be sleeping out in the car soon as she takes over his bedroom. I was pleasantly surprised when she bought the Slice. I thought that was an excellent choice. I'm already thinking that a scrap weekend is in my future. Have to clean my scrap room first though. Outside we found some sale tables and one of them was devoted to grab bags. Huge bags of goodies and only two bucks each....yep you read that right, a toonie and the bag of treasures was all yours. At first I thought maybe it was just flowers but on closer examination in the car, I found all sorts of things I didn't want or need. It was just a fun bag for two dollars. As I removed each item Karen and I laughed at the uselessness of it all. I guess it will all go on my garage sale table this fall. We headed home after visiting a few more stores and being serenaded by an old gentleman in Mickey D's in the Bellingham Wally World. He was sitting at a table by himself singing some old songs to no one in particular. They say you see it all in Wal-Mart and I believe it. So until tomorrow I bid you good bye and if you see anything you want in the picture above, it's yours.

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