Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Friday, July 15, 2011 Three Valley Gap

Today we left to spend  a few days in Calgary. I was excited to see my grand kids and Lur and Dave. In the morning we had to get ready and then go for a lunch to the Rotary  to see who won the People's Choice for the garden tour. Looked like we wouldn't be getting on the road until 2:00 or so. The dinner was nice and we met some of the other gardeners that participated in the tour. The couple sitting next to us won. The speaker said it was a close vote and the second place winner only lost by four votes. We all received a rose bush and a dvd of all the gardens on the tour. There seemed to be a lot of pictures of ours on there and we were on the front of the dvd. As we were leaving one of the organizers came and told us we were in second place and only lost by four votes. We were asked the day of the tour if we wanted to vote as we went to all the gardens and looked to see what they were all about. If we would have voted it would have been a tie. There were four of us that did the tour that day but we thought it a little unethical to vote so we declined. I probably would have voted for the garden that won anyway. I really liked it. So the trip to Calgary was uneventful and it really didn't seem to take 9 1/2 hours. Time flew by. This picture is of Three Valley Gap just North of  Revelstoke. I always loved the red roof when we drove by. I was ready to hit the bed when we arrived though. Long, long day. So until tomorrow I bid you good bye and happy trails.

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