I'm finished with my 100 days of summer so now I would like to share my travel journal ideas with you. Hope you enjoy.
Sunday, 31 July 2011
Sunday, July 31, Another lovely pre night sky.
Today we cleaned house and car. Hank is taking a friend to the airport in Vancouver tomorrow so it was a great opportunity to get the car all cleaned out for our vacation. When we got up this morning it was grey, cloudy and miserable. By afternoon the clouds had mostly disappeared and the sun was shining. It was so warm we opened up the windows and doors and washed off the side patio. We ate a lovely dinner and tried to use up our vegetables and fruits before we go away, knowing that Monica and Jack probably won't get around to eating them. I ventured outside to take a picture of the gorgeous sky that was all shades of pink, blue and grey. People were out walking their dogs and doing what people do on a lovely summer day. As I got to the end of the driveway, two ladies stopped to talk to us about the bed and breakfast and how long we have lived here. By the time I snapped the picture most of the color in the sky had disappeared and this was what was left. Still lovely but not as lovely as it was. So until tomorrow, which is supposed to be sunny again, I bid you good bye.
Saturday, July 30, My messy scraproom.
I haven't stepped foot in my scraproom for months. Oh, I go in there to throw something on a shelf or on the areas where I do my scrapbooking, but I haven't created in there for a very long time. It's beginning to look a lot like a storage room with some very expensive items in it. I'm determined to get in there once I come back from my holidays and do a thorough reorganizing of my stash. Sometimes when I pass by and glance in there, I really get the urge to sort it out and sit and do a few pages. It just hasn't happened. Life has taken over and I always seem to be busy. It has given me some insight on the hoarders of the world and how they get like they are. I stand in the doorway and think, " Where do I start?" I have only myself to blame. It gets a little out of hand and you think you will get a handle on it in the morning. The morning brings more stuff added and then before you know it.....chaos. So this is only one side of the room. The other side is worse and messier. I am going to sort it out and then when it's looking all neat and tidy again , I will post a picture. So until tomorrow I bid you good bye and take time to do something you really enjoy.
Saturday, 30 July 2011
Friday, July 29, 2011 Candlelight
I had a mountain of wash it seemed to be taking forever to get through so I focused on that entirely today. My sister in law, Mary, popped over in the morning to pass some time while she waited for the bank to open. The house was a sty. We had purchased Roman Blinds for the front window and we had packing and boxes and tools all over the front room and the kitchen. Don't get me started on the back porch. Laundry piled everywhere. We chatted for quite a while then went for a walk around the garden to see the flowers and discuss gardening in general. After she left we knuckled down again to blind hanging and wash. The day passed quickly and Monica and Jack visited for the evening and we sat outside in our new mosquito netted tent, and lit the candles. The temperature was just right. This is a candle holder that my sister gave to us. It's so pretty at night with the flickering candles in the red holders. So until tomorrow I bid you good bye and hope I don't forget to take a picture.
Thursday, 28 July 2011
Thursday, July 28 Grab bag of goodies
Who can resist a grab bag? Not I. It usually has junk in it but if the price is right I'll bite. Karen and I went shopping to the States again today. The guy at the border is almost on a first name basis with me. He's starting to get a little too familiar, if you know what I mean. Today he asked his normal questions: where you going, where do you live, then when Karen said we were going down to look for some clothes for me for my cruise in January, he wanted to know why I wanted to go on a cruise when the weather is 32 degrees with a stiff nor'easter blowing. Really? So we made friends and continued on our way. We stopped at Michaels first to see what Karen could possibly buy that she didn't already have for scrapbooking. Again I'm baffled at where she is putting all these purchases and expect that Bob will be sleeping out in the car soon as she takes over his bedroom. I was pleasantly surprised when she bought the Slice. I thought that was an excellent choice. I'm already thinking that a scrap weekend is in my future. Have to clean my scrap room first though. Outside we found some sale tables and one of them was devoted to grab bags. Huge bags of goodies and only two bucks each....yep you read that right, a toonie and the bag of treasures was all yours. At first I thought maybe it was just flowers but on closer examination in the car, I found all sorts of things I didn't want or need. It was just a fun bag for two dollars. As I removed each item Karen and I laughed at the uselessness of it all. I guess it will all go on my garage sale table this fall. We headed home after visiting a few more stores and being serenaded by an old gentleman in Mickey D's in the Bellingham Wally World. He was sitting at a table by himself singing some old songs to no one in particular. They say you see it all in Wal-Mart and I believe it. So until tomorrow I bid you good bye and if you see anything you want in the picture above, it's yours.
Wednesday, July 27, She's off!!
Today was spent with Melissa getting all her ducks in a row for her move to Calgary. Even though she might only be there for a year and isn't taking her furniture, she still needed a carload of stuff. Bins, bags and boxes were packed and piled while she stressed over where she will put everything in the car. Good thing she got the roof top thing. So she carted it all out to the car and voila', she fit it all in with room to spare in the front seat. The green plastic table cloth on the top of the baby blue car really added that extra decorator touch that everyone wants when they are moving from one province to another. She was still doing packing and waiting for wash as we watched a bizarre movie called Junebug. That was two hours I will never get back. It was nice to spend the Melissa's last night in B.C. just chillaxing. Grandma had come over for supper and to say good bye to Melissa so we booked a flight for her to Winnipeg for later in the summer and chatted about nothing in particular. Tomorrow I will have to find something to do to take my mind off the trip my daughter is making to Alberta. Does a parent ever stop worrying about stuff like that? I doubt it. I'm in it for the long haul. Maybe a trip to the states again with my bff will help. So until tomorrow I bid you good bye and good travels.
Wednesday, 27 July 2011
Tuesday, July 26th, 2011 Somewhere over the rainbow.
Today was a pretty busy day but not with things people love to do. Even though Hank is on holidays we have stuff to do that we don't get done when he's working. Today it was a trip to the bank and an appointment about finances. I hate that. I always feel like a mushroom when talking to bank people. We got all that done and then Melissa met us so I could get her opinion on some items I wanted to buy for our cruise next January. All the summer stuff is on sale and if I don't buy it now then they will bringing in all the winter stuff and I won't be able to find a short sleeved top for love nor money anywhere. So I bought all my items and then headed home for a supper with Jack and Monica. Melissa didn't think she had room for all the stuff she had to pack so when Hank, Jack and her went to Canadian Tire to get a roof top carrier we noticed this beautiful rainbow. It wasn't this gorgeous when I took the picture but a little photo editing and ta-da....lovely rainbow in a blue sky. So until tomorrow I bid you good bye and somewhere over that rainbow bluebirds fly.
Monday, July 25th, 2011 Shopping spree
I'm not very committed anymore as far as getting my blog goes. I really thought I would get back on track as soon as the summer party was done but I have noticed that other things keep me from getting back at it on a daily basis. It's not that I have lost interest, it's just that life takes over. I'm trying to get back at it and be a good photo blogger and I'm hoping today is the first day of my renewed commitment. After determining that we needed to do one final shopping spree before Melissa leaves for Calgary, we all headed for the States. Why not?? The selection of stuff is so different, our dollar is kicking butt and the prices are fantisimo. That's before we even mention the price of gas. I think we are just doing our duty. Helping out their economy is going to benefit all of us. So we tried on clothes, bought clothes, almost cleaned out the dollar store down there and met up with Hank's sister Betty for a great lunch and stimulating conversation. If there is one thing we know how to do it's spend money. Came across the border with a car load of stuff and smiles on our faces. With the amount of money we spend down there I really don't why they are having such hard economic times. We did our part. This picture is Sumas. Our old stomping grounds and what once was a Canadian favorite for drinking and dancing. Not so much anymore. Just a one street town that we pass through to get to the shopping meccas. So until tomorrow I bid you good bye.
Sunday, 24 July 2011
Sunday, July 24, 2011 BBQ at Eddies
Another scorcher today, not that I'm complaining, just sayin'. We cleaned windows outside and did a wee bit of gardening. We had a bbq to go to at Eddie's and Maryanne's. It's all the Saturday night music people that Hank plays with. Eddie's garden is immaculate. The lawn was so nice, at first glance you might mistake it for astroturf. The edges are all neat and tidy and there was a small vegetable garden in the back. This fountain caught my attention as soon as I sat down. It wasn't running when we first got there but they did turn it on later and the sound of the water was really nice on such a hot day. I talked to the ladies there and then meandered in to listen to the guys playing. The songs are usually old, dirt old, but entertaining. I heard a few I hadn't heard before and liked and for a jam group I think they sounded really great. You really have to like that old time music to fully appreciate the songs. We had bbq steaks that were sooo good. Done just right. Potato salad, cold slaw, shrimp and numerous other foods. We were told not to bring anything so we only picked up some chips and pop. What a great afternoon in the sunshine. We are invited to two more in the near future. Should be a nice summer for bbq's and music. So until tomorrow I bid you good bye and I think I need some of that old time music on my computer.
Friday, July 22, 2011 Harry Potter
Since Melissa moved in we have been doing some things that we wouldn't ordinarily do. We do go to the movies but not very often. We don't even watch movies very often even at home. Earlier in the year we joined Netflix in the hopes that we could do something in the evenings and just veg. She got us hooked on some programs such as Damages, United States of Tara, and Mad Men. I just finished watching the United States of Tara and we all love, love, love Damages. While she has been here she has also got us hooked on some movies such as The Matrix, X Men and Harry Potter. I think we watched the first Harry Potter then we just didn't bother with the rest of them. She quickly informed us that we needed to catch up and then last year we all went to see the latest Potter movie. She had us hooked and we could hardly wait for the last installment. We went to see that tonight. I found it a little anti-climatic but watching in 3D was pretty awesome. So this is the shot of our new Galaxy Theater at Chilliwack Landing. I do love the fact that we can sit anywhere and it's a good seat and you don't have to worry about not being able to see over the person in front of you. So until tomorrow I bid you good bye and remember, "It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live",.
Saturday, 23 July 2011
Saturday, July 23, 2011 Another flower
I was sooo happy to see sun today. It actually poured in my window. Wowser. I had a room to clean when our guests left so hung around the house for a while. Meanwhile, Melissa had made an appointment for her cat to be shaved in a few places because of mats. I decided to go with her in case she needed a hand and off we went. It was only a five minute drive but you would have thought the world was coming to an end by the noises coming from the cat carrier. We got there and the girl that did the shaving was very nice and very patient and I would recommend her to anyone that needed an animal groomed. We finished there and arrived home to do some work. Melissa and Hank put up our new canopy on the top deck and then we decided to go out and about for a while. Ice cream was definitely on the menu. Stopped at Dairy Queen and after a few more stops came home to find our new guests just arriving and ready to be checked in. Then we sat and had a cider on the deck under the new canopy. Great day. Picture time and my camera had been left in the car so I had to use Melissa's. This is our Hydrangea in the front garden. Should be loaded with blooms in a few weeks. So until tomorrow I bid you good bye and hello sunshine.
Friday, 22 July 2011
Thursday, July 21, 2011 The new purchase
Still recuperating from the Calgary trip today. It's a happy, sad day for me. Melissa got the job she went to Calgary to interview for so she will be moving back there again. I'm glad she got the position but sad to see her move so far away again. I guess we will have to just wait until next January, when we all meet on the cruise, to see her and the rest of the Calgary crew. Today we spent doing wash and catching up on a few things. The weather is so depressing with clouds and some rain every day. It did clear up this evening but the grey skies make me want to be back in Calgary and the sunshine and warmth. The weather people are trying to sell us a bill of goods when they get all excited because there will be sun this weekend and a few clouds. The temperatures are below what they should be for this time of year but we should be soooo happy for two days of sunshine?? Not me. I want at least a week of sun, coffee on my deck, and my flowers not looking like they were just dipped in a barrel of water. It looks like my hubby was out and about in the thrift stores scouting out bargains while I was away. He managed to scoop up this bowl that makes a gorgeous bird bath. The birds might actually use it if it ever stops raining. So until tomorrow I bid you good bye and I hope I will be more diligent about getting my blog posted now that I am home.
Thursday, 21 July 2011
Wednesday, July 20, 2011. Home again, home again, jiggity jig.
We didn't get up really early to leave for Chilliwack. We figured we had plenty of time to get there and wanted to take our time leaving. I wanted to make sure I gave my grandkids a big good bye kiss and hug and it would have been nice to do that while I could include my daughter. I think Lurline knew and decided to leave for work while I was in the shower getting ready. I know she doesn't do well with saying good bye but really.....I need a hug when I leave. Our trip home seemed to take a lot longer even though it really was only 1/2 an hour more. There was so much construction going on and the time dragged on. The weather was sweltering hot in some places and pouring rain in others. It was good to get home and sleep in my own bed. Home really is where the heart is. This picture is Castle Mountain. It's between Banff and Lake Louise and seemed to be popular with anyone with a camera. So until tomorrow I bid you good bye.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011 A trip to Value Village
I thought I brought all the right clothes with me for my trip but didn't count on the Calgary heat. My clothes were better for the Chilliwack weather that I had just left, warmish, but still in the range of things you would wear for summer. We had also decided to stay another day so a run to Value Village for a few things to wear for the next couple of days, was in order. Melissa was also looking for a few items so it worked for both of us. They had some nice stuff there so it was hard for me to concentrate on just clothing. So I filled my basket with a ton of clothes knowing that if I found one item I would consider it a miracle. I hate trying on clothes and I hate shopping for them. I pulled the cart behind me and when a cubicle came open I darted in and being mindful of the 6 items only rule, I left the rest outside the dressing room so I had easy access to them as I discarded the ones I didn't want. I was doing okay until the lady in the next cubicle was told by the clerk that when it says 6 items only, it means you can only try on 6 items then you have to go to the back of the line and wait again for another dressing room to come available. So three trips to the back of the line and I scored with a couple of tops and some capris. Melissa did well also but her stuff looked like it just came off the rack at some fancy store. So until tomorrow I bid you good bye and look for those bargains, you never know.
Monday, July 18, 2011 Calgary Storms
Visiting Calgary is always a surprise when it comes to weather. We had heard on the radio that there was a funnel cloud there the day before we arrived and it had apparently touched down somewhere in the southwest. Lurline said it didn't do much in the way of damage and no one was hurt. The weather systems change there more often than I can say. You can dress in shorts in the morning and by the afternoon you need a parka. I'm not saying it was quite that bad but we had storms. Their thunder storms are frequent and loud. Today we saw the gathering clouds and so hurried out to get a picture of them before they moved on. So this is the resulting picture. The sky is ever changing and very interesting. At least we didn't get funnel clouds. So until tomorrow I bid you good bye and hope I don't end up in Kansas.
Sunday, July 17, 2011 K Country
Another beautiful day in Calgary but we could tell already that going to Stampede wasn't going to be a good idea. As we sat around the breakfast table discussing our plans for the day, it seemed like the perfect day for a drive in Dave's 1969 Firebird convertible. I think I got the year right on that. So we packed a small snack and headed for K Country also known as Kananaskis. I had my camera ready just in case we came across some wild life. It says it's bear country so of course my first thought was that I might actually see one. Then my second thought was that we are in a convertible with the top down and it would be best if we didn't see one. As it turns out the only thing wild we saw was a deer when we went for lunch and this bunch of scraggly mountain sheep that looked like they had seen better days as far as their coats went. I did get a shot of the back end of a deer facing forward, but it wasn't a good picture. I think the bear signs are just to keep tourists happy. They put them there so people will think they are going to see one. I haven't seen one there yet. The scenery was awesome. We stopped at a lake that was a gorgeous shade of green and the mountains were so close and looked so awesome that I wondered if everyone appreciated the fact that we live in such a beautiful country with so many wonderful things to see. So until tomorrow I bid you good bye and let the sun shine in.
Tuesday, 19 July 2011
Saturday, July 16, 2011 Stampede City
Today was our first day in Calgary and it was very hot. We took a trip downtown to see if there was anything going on for Stampede. There wasn't any entertainment so we went to the outside patio at Earl's to have a bite to eat. We left Dave at home to do gardening so he didn't have the pleasure of our company. As we sat and ate our lunch and had a quick beer, I snapped a couple of pictures of Melissa, Lurline, Talia and Tristan. This was the picture I liked the most. In the evening, Dave was going to drive us to the pub and go home but decided a nice cold beer would just hit the spot. So we sat on the patio at Ceili's and had a beer (or two) and a bite to eat. We had live entertainment and he was singing the Celtic songs that were popular with most people. What a great day. Family, beer on the patio and music. You can't get any better than that unless it included my friend that couldn't make it because she was on the opposite side of Calgary. We discussed going to Stampede tomorrow but it's up in the air with it being the last day and the heat is going to be unbearable. So until tomorrow I bid you good bye and Yeeeeehaw.
Friday, July 15, 2011 Three Valley Gap
Today we left to spend a few days in Calgary. I was excited to see my grand kids and Lur and Dave. In the morning we had to get ready and then go for a lunch to the Rotary to see who won the People's Choice for the garden tour. Looked like we wouldn't be getting on the road until 2:00 or so. The dinner was nice and we met some of the other gardeners that participated in the tour. The couple sitting next to us won. The speaker said it was a close vote and the second place winner only lost by four votes. We all received a rose bush and a dvd of all the gardens on the tour. There seemed to be a lot of pictures of ours on there and we were on the front of the dvd. As we were leaving one of the organizers came and told us we were in second place and only lost by four votes. We were asked the day of the tour if we wanted to vote as we went to all the gardens and looked to see what they were all about. If we would have voted it would have been a tie. There were four of us that did the tour that day but we thought it a little unethical to vote so we declined. I probably would have voted for the garden that won anyway. I really liked it. So the trip to Calgary was uneventful and it really didn't seem to take 9 1/2 hours. Time flew by. This picture is of Three Valley Gap just North of Revelstoke. I always loved the red roof when we drove by. I was ready to hit the bed when we arrived though. Long, long day. So until tomorrow I bid you good bye and happy trails.
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