Saturday, 18 June 2011

Saturday, June 18, 2011 Kabobs

Lurline and Melissa left for Calgary today but will return in one week.A last minute decision for Melissa. She will only be gone a few days and then back to help with party plans for the following weekend,.  It should give me some time to sort out my scraproom Maybe if I get it straightened out I will make it one of my pictures of the day. So another overcast day  and we actually got rain. Hank likes the rain, he doesn't have to water all his plants when we have showers. Me....not so much. I would love to pull out the hose and water something because it's too dry. So far this year that hasn't happened. Jack and Mo decided to stay over one more night and when the rain let up I went outside to help Hank deadhead some of the plants. We all agreed that Jack didn't know a weed from a plant so really couldn't help much outside so he was going to make dinner. He really is an awesome cook. He made us kabobs, some with beef and some with chicken. They were  yummy. We had a delish salad that Monica threw together and after dinner watched some t.v. I'm getting a little tired and I'm really thinking of getting to bed early, maybe when I am finished with the blog. Promises of sun tomorrow. Yippee. Hank says sun all week. Really?? I will believe it when I see it. So until tomorrow I bid you good bye and hope everyone is appreciating their dads this weekend.

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