Saturday, 18 June 2011

Friday, June 17, 2011 Clayburn for scones.

Watching tv this morning I noticed they had sunshine in Vancouver. Where was ours??? Hello...sunshine....over here. I guess we don't rate a ray. Apparently there was sun as far as Abbotsford then cloud east of there. So Chilliwack was under a big blackish cloud. Why?? Why isn't it our turn for sun? We hung around the house until noon then Lurline decided a road trip to Clayburn for a yummy scone. Okay, I'm in. Grab the camera for our picture of the day. I love going to this tea shop but they aren't cheap. Lurline and Melissa ordered Earl Grey Tea and it was $3.95 per person. I didn't look to see what my tea cost me but it was over two dollars I'm sure. I thought I would have to mortgage my house when I looked at the prices on the menu. We only do this once every three or four years so that was okay. I always love all the neat old stuff they have inside and the candy counter with all the jars of  goodies. There are too many to chose just one kind. We skipped that part of the store and went outside to look around. This picture is the front of the tea/candy store. We meandered down one of the streets and took some photos of the little old school and I noticed a beautiful home with gorgeous gardens. It had a sign that informed people that it was a private residence so I assume people had maybe wandered in thinking it was open for the public. I can see how they might make that mistake. It was really something to behold. They had a Wisteria growing up an evergreen and the purple flowers hung down from the branches many feet up. I wanted to take some pictures but we gathered from the sign that they didn't like it when visitors stopped and stared at  their home and gardens. It must be a little invasive. Really, though, don't make it so appealing then. So until tomorrow I bid you good bye and I'm sending good thoughts for sunshine at some point before next weekend.

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