Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Tuesday, May 30, 2011 Church in the garden

I was really optimistic this morning when I got up. I saw the sun peaking through the trees and thought this was going to be the beginning of our summer. Excitement was in the air. It was early, 5:30 a.m. and I couldn't sleep. After doing some wandering around the house and actually taking a picture of the sun, just so I would have proof, I went back to bed hoping to get another hour or so in before starting the many things I wanted to do in the sunshine. By the time Melissa got up and I dragged myself out of bed, it was not the same day. Oh....it was the same date, but the day had changed from glorious sun to cloud. That's just not the start of the day I wanted. So I waited until after lunch then decided that sun or not I was going to do something outside. I got all the supplies I needed and by the time I reached the deck the sun was shining again. Yippee. I did get some painting done but then it got a little hot for me ( and just in case you get the wrong idea, I'm not complaining) so washed my brushes out and went inside. Tonight when I went out to take the daily picture, it was actually raining. I just quickly looked around for something I thought might be a nice picture even in the rain. This little church was something Hank made a few years ago and I really like it. It wasn't really for the birds but more for something for the yard. The tulips have finished and need to be cut down but I thought having them in the picture was okay. It doesn't matter where in the garden the church is, it makes me happy, even on a cloudy, rainy day. So until tomorrow I bid you good bye. Rain is forecast for tomorrow so I'm not even going to get up early. :(

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