Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Tuesday, May 24, 2011 The Rose

Well, today's picture isn't all that interesting. Just one rose, one lonely flower, with raindrops on the petals.So, instead of complaining that the rose has thorns, I should be  rejoicing that the thorns have a rose. I forgot who said this but I'm certain it was someone famous. This morning I got up to the usual rain and grey clouds that seems to be what is on the weather menu more often than not lately. I keep telling myself that when August rolls around I will be wishing for a day of rain, but I'm not so sure. I'm feeling a little water logged. If I was a sponge or a duck that would be great, but when I'm  looking for a neat or funky picture of the day, it just doesn't work for me. That's just how I roll. I am well ready for some sun and warmth and leaving the windows and doors open hoping for a gentle breeze to give me some relief from the heat. The rain has stopped now but there is dampness in the air and I have a playhouse to paint. I feel like going back to bed and waiting there until summer starts. I'm afraid if I do that someone will forget to wake me up and it will be rainy spring again when I decide to arise. Until tomorrow I bid you good bye and hope my son-in-law had an awesome birthday today. 

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