Monday, 16 May 2011

Monday, May 16, 2011 Sassy squirrel

I have a feeling the sun has gone south for the summer. Pretty soon this blog might have to be called Gardenfarey's rainy summer shots. I guess this will be another day finding something to do inside and I'm not talking housework. Don't get me wrong... I should be talking housework, but it's not gonna happen. Sign painting is on the agenda. Paints and supplies are littering my counters and table and even I can't stand it anymore. I was going to take a picture of the sign after painting it, but I didn't get it finished today. Besides playing let the cat in, let the cat out all day, I really didn't get a lot accomplished. One side of my sign painted and a picture of the pesky squirrel that is eating me out of house and home outside on my patio was pretty much how my time was spent. I bought some really special bird food that was suppose to attract exotic birds (well some that were different than what we get now). I'm all for bird watching as long as there is a variety of birds. Watching the same birds over and over just wasn't doing it for me. Hank told me he wouldn't pay that for the seed and he seemed to think the cheap seeds were just as good. I wouldn't listen, mostly because I never do, and I sprung for the good stuff. After putting it in my feeder outside my kitchen I sat back and waited with baited breath for the wonderful array of birds I was about to experience. I kept my camera close as I certainly didn't want to miss the perfect shot of the perfect bird. After days of waiting and no sign of even a dull every day bird, I was about to give up hope. It didn't help that Melissa's cat, Chubbers, was sleeping on the deck every day. That must be why we were getting no other signs of life there. Then I happened to look out the other day and a squirrel that apparently has caviar taste in seed, was swinging from my feeder. I took a step closer to the window thinking that he would skeedaddle but , nope, not exactly shaking with fright. He jumped down on the chair across from Chubbers. They looked at each other and it reminded me of the M&M commercial at Christmas, where the M&M's and Santa both say, " He really does exist". Neither one of them moved a muscle. Then the cat went back to sleep and the squirrel continued to eat my expensive seeds. It's been like that every day. Cats asleep on the chair and the squirrel chows down and isn't bothered by Chubbers or me at the window. Today I took another picture for my 100 days of summer blog. He must be getting down to the last of the seeds by now and I have no intentions of filling it for him. He could at least pretend to be wary of the cat or me. I guess now they have become friends and as long as the squirrel doesn't keep Chubbers awake while dining, they will remain best buds. So until tomorrow I bid you good bye and good bird watching.

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