I'm finished with my 100 days of summer so now I would like to share my travel journal ideas with you. Hope you enjoy.
Tuesday, 31 May 2011
Tuesday, May 30, 2011 Church in the garden
I was really optimistic this morning when I got up. I saw the sun peaking through the trees and thought this was going to be the beginning of our summer. Excitement was in the air. It was early, 5:30 a.m. and I couldn't sleep. After doing some wandering around the house and actually taking a picture of the sun, just so I would have proof, I went back to bed hoping to get another hour or so in before starting the many things I wanted to do in the sunshine. By the time Melissa got up and I dragged myself out of bed, it was not the same day. Oh....it was the same date, but the day had changed from glorious sun to cloud. That's just not the start of the day I wanted. So I waited until after lunch then decided that sun or not I was going to do something outside. I got all the supplies I needed and by the time I reached the deck the sun was shining again. Yippee. I did get some painting done but then it got a little hot for me ( and just in case you get the wrong idea, I'm not complaining) so washed my brushes out and went inside. Tonight when I went out to take the daily picture, it was actually raining. I just quickly looked around for something I thought might be a nice picture even in the rain. This little church was something Hank made a few years ago and I really like it. It wasn't really for the birds but more for something for the yard. The tulips have finished and need to be cut down but I thought having them in the picture was okay. It doesn't matter where in the garden the church is, it makes me happy, even on a cloudy, rainy day. So until tomorrow I bid you good bye. Rain is forecast for tomorrow so I'm not even going to get up early. :(
Monday, 30 May 2011
Monday, May 30, 2011 The New Waterfall
Today was not a great day as far as sunshine goes. I decided if it was going to be an inside day I might as well clean a couple of rooms. Did the bathroom then moved on to the bedroom. I don't remember it being that dusty ever. It's a wonder I didn't come down with black lung in there. Got it all spic and span and between dusting and vacuuming went outside to see what Melissa was up to. She was redesigning the pond so the water wouldn't leak out the sides. We wanted a waterfall effect and spent most of yesterday trying to get it looking good and working well. Today she hit pay dirt. She carted a piece of marble around from the carport and when that didn't fit I went over to get another piece that was a tad smaller and looked like it might fit. I was out of breath by the time I got to the back door so went for the wheel barrow to put it in. Melissa was up to her thighs in water as she waded in the scum and dirty water of the lower pond. I really wanted to take a picture but she was adamant that better not happen. She finished it and we tested it. Everything seems to be working and the water that comes over that piece of marble was sounding like I was at Bridal Falls. I'm liking it. We enjoyed a nice dip in the hot tub with hot chocolate spiked with a dash of Irish Cream. Yummmmmmy. Yes it was. So until tomorrow good bye and I just know we will get sunshine tomorrow.
Sunday, 29 May 2011
Sunday, May 29, 2011 Michigan Rummy
Oh yeah......today we saw sun. We not only saw it but we felt it. Warm and comforting beating down from the heavens. I was delirious with joy. We worked outside most of the day and finished up some projects. Melissa and Hank decided to redo the pond so we could have more of a waterfall effect. I really should have taken the photo of Melissa, all construction like, big gloves on and hair pinned back while she worked on the pond. The only thing she needed was a hard hat. Lifting the big rocks into place didn't seem like a whole lot of fun for her. Monica and Jack came over and Jack had made a delicious meal for all of us. It was really yummy and we loved it. Then it was game night and we played some Michigan Rummy. It's always fun playing with them, aside from some minor cheating that was or wasn't happening, we really enjoyed it. Monica was the nights winner and as we were cleaning up the chips Peeka went to sit on Melissa's lap and the one chip left seemed very entertaining for her. I guess her bid was one, as that was all she had left. I'm really tired and looking forward to sun tomorrow and getting some more work done outside. It was a great weekend. So until tomorrow I bid you good bye and a week full of sunshine.
Saturday, 28 May 2011
Saturday, May 28, 2011 Busy Saturday
Today Hank got up early as usual and by the time I arose he was already outside laying new patio stones. It took a little pouting (by me) but he consented to leave the work for a few hours and go out somewhere. It was raining anyway so working outside would have meant him getting soaked. So the three of us went on a quick shopping spree to the States. There was no line ups either way. Hank picked up a really nice bird bath./feeder with a solar light on it. I've never seen anything like it and I'm sure the birds will appreciate the light showing them where the food and water is at night. Went for lunch at Sharis and I have to tell you......they have a potato soup to die for. It is mega delish and their pies are scrumptious. Headed home with a mini movie camera, bird bath, and new pump and filter for our pond. As evening drew nigh Melissa and I were looking for a pic. We took a few shots of the unusual bird bath but then when we went in the hot tub with all the yard lights on we discovered our opportunity for our picture of the day. So this is my beautiful daughter enjoying the evening in the hot tub without wine. Not what she opted for as the hot tub is always more enjoyable with a nice glass of Shiraz. So until tomorrow I bid you good bye and hopefully sunshine for tomorrow.
Friday, 27 May 2011
Friday, May 27, 2011 A pair of bears
Not real bears.....just lawn bears. We were at the flea market a few weeks ago and Hank is always on the lookout for something for our garden. He thinks it takes a lot of stuff to make the yard look interesting. What he calls interesting I'm realizing is mostly junk. Just my opinion. As we walked around the flea market he spotted these bears that are supposed to light up. I checked them over and discovered paint missing on the bears, on the tree trunk, on the base and well, just about anywhere you looked. I said I thought they were asking too much for them. Forty dollars for a garden ornament that had seen better days wasn't what I wanted to pay. He managed to get her down to thirty. We had no more cash on us so we went to get cash and he went back. I guess some other woman had her eye on it and was willing to pay the asking price and told Hank, as he looked at her hand on it as a means of saying I'm taking it, this is mine. The lady selling it advised her that it was Hank's. He was all smiles when he came back to the car. I touched up all the paint that was missing and it was almost as good as new. Everyone came away happy......except the lady that wanted to buy it. I must say that I am running out of things to take pictures of. My stories are mundane to say the least. If the sun would just cooperate, I might have some sparkling, interesting tale to relate. Here's hoping it will come soon. Maybe even this weekend. Until tomorrow I bid you good bye and happy tgif.
Thursday, 26 May 2011
Thursday, May 26, 2011 Little Blue shed
Yes, another dreary day and I need to paint the shed. The pink was okay for the last 10 plus years but now it's time for a make over. Nothing huge, just a little face lift. So after gathering up the paint, brushes, extra 2 tops to put on (it was a tad frosty outside) and my IPod, off I went to finish a job I had started two days ago. I still have to do the white and with a little luck I can get that done this weekend. Fingers are crossed that I see a huge golden orb in the sky that will emit gorgeous rays of warmth. I guess after all the painting we will have to do the bark mulch and other odds and ends. Hank is almost finished the extra gazebo at the back of the house. Just have to put down the new cement blocks. Whew......hard work looking after 1/2 an acre of gardens. So until tomorrow I bid you good bye.
Wednesday, 25 May 2011
Wednesday, May 25, 2011 Peeka
Today I got some painting done outside even though it looked like rain. I just braved the elements and out I went. I wasn't really thinking about what I was going to take a picture of today. Melissa came home and I'm not gonna lie to you (why would I), I really was going to forget the picture for today. I know I made a commitment but I think this rain is putting a damper on my urge to get a great (or not so great) picture every day. I did get some more pictures of the pesky squirrel. I just figured that I used that already and didn't want to repeat. Our kitten (not really a kitten anymore) has a ritual in the evenings and waits for Hank to finish his supper then watches for an opening to go and lie or sit on his knee. Seeing as how it is usually the same thing every night I thought maybe a picture of her on Hank while he dozed was fitting. So here she is. She always looks mad but you really couldn't ask for a more lovable cat. Too much love most of the time. She gives independent cats a bad name. Until tomorrow I bid you good bye and sleep well, we might get sun tomorrow. It could happen. :)
Tuesday, 24 May 2011
Tuesday, May 24, 2011 The Rose
Well, today's picture isn't all that interesting. Just one rose, one lonely flower, with raindrops on the petals.So, instead of complaining that the rose has thorns, I should be rejoicing that the thorns have a rose. I forgot who said this but I'm certain it was someone famous. This morning I got up to the usual rain and grey clouds that seems to be what is on the weather menu more often than not lately. I keep telling myself that when August rolls around I will be wishing for a day of rain, but I'm not so sure. I'm feeling a little water logged. If I was a sponge or a duck that would be great, but when I'm looking for a neat or funky picture of the day, it just doesn't work for me. That's just how I roll. I am well ready for some sun and warmth and leaving the windows and doors open hoping for a gentle breeze to give me some relief from the heat. The rain has stopped now but there is dampness in the air and I have a playhouse to paint. I feel like going back to bed and waiting there until summer starts. I'm afraid if I do that someone will forget to wake me up and it will be rainy spring again when I decide to arise. Until tomorrow I bid you good bye and hope my son-in-law had an awesome birthday today.
Monday, 23 May 2011
Monday, May 23, 2011 Day out at Fort Langley
Sunday, 22 May 2011
Sunday, May 22, 2011 The Dagwood Sandwich
I know what you're thinking....this is just another sandwich. You would be wrong. So very wrong! It's a Hank sandwich and his culinary expertise is always interesting to say the least. I remember when I was a kid and my dad used to make what he called a Dagwood sandwich. Do you remember Blondie and Dagwood from the comic strips? Well the sandwich would consist of such things as a slice of bread, mayo, cheese, another slice of bread, meat, mustard, onion, and then another slice of bread. It was stacked and I used to love them. Well this is Hank's Dagwood sandwich. This is how it's made. First, a half of a hamburger bun (brown, cause he wants to eat healthy) then butter, mustard, bologna, a thick slice of garlic bread, butter, mayo another slice of bologna, lettuce, then the top of the hamburger bun. Unusual to say the least. I'm glad every day that he didn't pick haute cuisine as a career. I'm sure if other people saw what he ate they also would be very happy they aren't eating a Big McHank sandwich or, maybe, just maybe, he missed his calling. Until tomorrow good bye and bon appetite.
Saturday, 21 May 2011
Saturday, May 21, 2011 The Rose Garden
Today we anticipated the coming of the end of the world with a flurry of shopping and some garden work. It was a really tiring day and so required a nap mid afternoon. Anticipating anything is tiring, let alone the end of the world. So here we are, the world is still revolving and everyone is doing today what they planned on doing today. No floods, earthquakes, tornadoes or other disasters. We awaited Jeannie and Pete's arrival and had a nice supper with apple pie for dessert. All in all it was a good day and then I realized I hadn't taken today's picture. It was dusk and with little to work with as far as a subject, I decided the gorgeous azaleas in our rose garden would be just perfect to reflect how life goes on and how awesome it can be. The azalea's seem to be more beautiful than ever this year. Maybe it's because we have had more than our share of rain this spring, but they are simply spectacular. I am glad to still be here to write my blog and take my pictures. I guess I just have to get through the next prediction of Armageddon and get on with life. Until tomorrow good bye and take a minute to smell the roses.
Friday, 20 May 2011
Friday, May 20, 2011 Roll Kuchen
Yep....your eyes aren't deceiving you, it's the first Roll Kuchen and watermelon of the season. Yummmmmy. Today I decided that I would break down and make it seeing as how Hank had bought a watermelon for the weekend. I do find it time consuming to make but I started in the morning, put the dough in the fridge and made it tonight. For someone that thinks the smoke alarm is the timer to say dinner is ready, I can usually manage this recipe. It's just messy and takes time to roll out and on a hot summer day it means a hot kitchen from the hot oil. Today was perfect. The roll kuchen turned out great, nice and puffy and light. I have the Mennonite cook book and find I use it often for some really good dishes that Hank loves. Roll Kuchen, borscht, chicken noodle soup, and platz. I think this summer I might try something that I haven't tried before out of the book. Just have to thumb through and see what entices me and what might tickle my taste buds. So until tomorrow good bye and gutes essen
Thursday, 19 May 2011
Thursday, May 19, 2011 Trip to the U.S of A
We had decided today to go to Birch Bay to pick up a parcel and in doing so we could take advantage of the water and beach for our photo of the day. Karen's friend had the parcel so after stopping there we headed for the beach. I couldn't believe how things have changed there. As we drove down the main strip we noted how many things had closed or disappeared. It was nippy out as it was still before noon and the sea air breeze coming off the ocean hadn't warmed up to a decent temperature. We piled out of the car with cameras in hand and started across the wet sand that had little pools of water and seaweed all across it. The tide was waaaaay out. We spotted two bald eagles on the edge of the water but it was a long way out there and I was cold so Melissa went on her own. I tried to take some pictures from where I was but my camera kept jamming so I gave up and headed back to the car. None of the pictures were usable so on our way home we stopped to see the tulips off the highway by Yarrow. Took a few shots there but again had camera problems so now it's just a matter of looking for the best of the worst. And the winner is.........
Tulips. Hopefully tomorrow will be more fruitful and I can get some shots that are awesome. Until tomorrow I bid you good bye.
Tulips. Hopefully tomorrow will be more fruitful and I can get some shots that are awesome. Until tomorrow I bid you good bye.
Wednesday, 18 May 2011
Wednesday, May18, 2011 Monica's new car
Melissa and I walked over to Sardis Park to see if we could catch a good photo op of some ducklings or goslings. There were quite a few there and all I could think about was that there would be twice as many next year. There was a cute little duckling that was all fuzzy and yellow and he reminded me of the story of the Ugly Duckling (although he was mega cute) because he stood out like a sore thumb. All the other ducklings were brown or grey. I did take a few pictures of the duckling and my goal was to go back home and post it. Just as I got near the path to the gate I hear a beep beep. I was thinking " How rude, to keep beeping like that". The sun had tinted my glasses and my vision wasn't really clear. As I stood waiting for Melissa, beep beep. I looked closely and there was Hank and Monica in a strange car. Hank was driving so I was wondering where they stole it from. As I approached they both waved and seemed to be very relaxed for someone on the lam. I snapped their picture as they explained that Monica just bought it and they were taking it for a test drive. So this is the picture I got just before they drove away. What great smiles they both have. You can tell they are father and daughter. Until tomorrow good bye and happy trails to you.
Tuesday, 17 May 2011
Tuesday, May 17, 2011 Trip to Cultus
Got up this morning to a big orange thing in the sky. I think it's the sun but to be honest, I haven't seen it much lately to say for sure. It was definitely a hot tub morning. Lissa and I went out for a quick dip, and it was quick.... the water was a bit warmer than what is considered enjoyable. Today I really want to get the sign finished so thought I might get on that early. I almost have it finished. One more day and I think it's a go. In the afternoon we decided to go to Cultus Lake for our photo op for the day. It was warm when we got there but as soon as we started to take pictures a huge cloud covered the sun. We continued up the path by main beach looking for a likely candidate for the picture. We did get some geese pictures and I was going to post them, but geese???? Really? I opted for a picture of trees and the nice walk way almost on the beach and lined with some pretty awesome houses. If these are the summer homes I would love to see what their year round homes look like. Other than a few dog walkers, a guy that looked like he was going to paddle a small piece of wood across the lake and a handful of people on the end of the pier, the lake was practically deserted. It was a nice trip out but I'm thinking tomorrow is just going to be a Sardis Park day. Should be lots of geese there. Until tomorrow I bid you good bye and enjoy the sunshine while you can.
Monday, 16 May 2011
Monday, May 16, 2011 Sassy squirrel
I have a feeling the sun has gone south for the summer. Pretty soon this blog might have to be called Gardenfarey's rainy summer shots. I guess this will be another day finding something to do inside and I'm not talking housework. Don't get me wrong... I should be talking housework, but it's not gonna happen. Sign painting is on the agenda. Paints and supplies are littering my counters and table and even I can't stand it anymore. I was going to take a picture of the sign after painting it, but I didn't get it finished today. Besides playing let the cat in, let the cat out all day, I really didn't get a lot accomplished. One side of my sign painted and a picture of the pesky squirrel that is eating me out of house and home outside on my patio was pretty much how my time was spent. I bought some really special bird food that was suppose to attract exotic birds (well some that were different than what we get now). I'm all for bird watching as long as there is a variety of birds. Watching the same birds over and over just wasn't doing it for me. Hank told me he wouldn't pay that for the seed and he seemed to think the cheap seeds were just as good. I wouldn't listen, mostly because I never do, and I sprung for the good stuff. After putting it in my feeder outside my kitchen I sat back and waited with baited breath for the wonderful array of birds I was about to experience. I kept my camera close as I certainly didn't want to miss the perfect shot of the perfect bird. After days of waiting and no sign of even a dull every day bird, I was about to give up hope. It didn't help that Melissa's cat, Chubbers, was sleeping on the deck every day. That must be why we were getting no other signs of life there. Then I happened to look out the other day and a squirrel that apparently has caviar taste in seed, was swinging from my feeder. I took a step closer to the window thinking that he would skeedaddle but , nope, not exactly shaking with fright. He jumped down on the chair across from Chubbers. They looked at each other and it reminded me of the M&M commercial at Christmas, where the M&M's and Santa both say, " He really does exist". Neither one of them moved a muscle. Then the cat went back to sleep and the squirrel continued to eat my expensive seeds. It's been like that every day. Cats asleep on the chair and the squirrel chows down and isn't bothered by Chubbers or me at the window. Today I took another picture for my 100 days of summer blog. He must be getting down to the last of the seeds by now and I have no intentions of filling it for him. He could at least pretend to be wary of the cat or me. I guess now they have become friends and as long as the squirrel doesn't keep Chubbers awake while dining, they will remain best buds. So until tomorrow I bid you good bye and good bird watching.
Sunday, 15 May 2011
Sunday, May15, 2011 The roof fixer
I thought that just maybe the weather forcast would be wrong today and I would wake up to birds singing, sun shining and wondering how I was going to spend a lovely summer day. Nope....it didn't happen. Forcast was right on the button. Dreary, grey clouds and intermittent rain. As much as I try to embrace our liquid sunshine, I'm really getting tired of it. We are trying to get our yard in ship shape for an upcoming garden tour and the weather just isn't cooperating. You can't paint in the rain. The rain usually doesn't stop Hank. He soldiers on like the mail man. Rain, sleet, snow........but really when it comes down to it the rain makes it impossible to paint outside. You don't want to waste the day so you have to look at what you can do. The playhouse needs a new roof and yesterday when we were looking for assorted sundries for DIY projects, we picked up some metal roofing just for a day like this. It's already almost 4:00 p.m. and he's been out there just about all day slaving away. I knew I had to get a picture of him on his sturdy ladder (not to be confused with the broken one that he still uses much to my dismay) putting the roofing on. He always makes me smile and I actually love this picture. Nothing assuming about it, it just tells it like it is. I'm sure some of my other summer daily pictures will include other garden prep. Well that's three days done and I'm already giving myself a pat on the back for still hanging in there. I know it doesn't seem much to someone who knows how to stick to a project, but for me, it's an accomplishment. Until tomorrow I bid you good bye and good weather.
Saturday, 14 May 2011
Saturday, May 14, 2011 Ducks
Woke up this morning to wet, overcast, downright ugly weather. I guess summer isn't in the cards yet. I can't find the husband. He's outside or in the basement or another dimension, but he's certainly not where he can be located easily. After a cursory look by Melissa and myself I decided he was a lot like the cat and he will come back. I thought a nice lazy day staying inside today was on my agenda. Need to paint our sign for outside anyway and today was the day. As I meandered through the kitchen my eye caught a slight movement outside. Oh yah.....Hank outside weeding in the rain. I don't think there is a song in that title but you never know. After enough time had elapsed to make sure he was wet and getting wetter, he came in to see if anyone was up and who wanted some coffee and toast. Melissa was on her way off to Vancouver for a rip roaring good time at a party tonight. I decided to get myself mobile and go with Hank shopping for men's things. No not long johns and wife beater shirts.....lumber and other assorted building materials. Just as I was about to put on the shoes and coat he comes in to tell me ducks abound by our bird feeder. Aha...my photo op for today. Off I go and I shoot. Thank goodness it was only a camera in my hand. Hank fed them more food so they would stay while I clicked. Photo done, off to town for some really important price comparing for the hubby. We did the usual thrift stores and made a few purchases then Karen phoned to say she was in Zellers and did I want to meet. Okay, says I, coffee shop in ten. Hank had forgotten where Zellers was. Huh?? C'mon. I know we don't shop there often but really? Spent the rest of the afternoon with the sis. She bought a beautiful table from "The Brick" which was her choice entirely, even though she said I talked her into it. What a steal...regular over $500.00 and she got it for $68.00. Can't beat a good deal like that. She would be losin' money if she didn't buy it. Right Lisa? Well, that's my story for today. Until tomorrow, I bid you good bye and good buying.
Friday, May 13, 2011 Harrison Hot Springs
Got up this morning to sun. Really???? Sun??? Have to do something that would take us outside to absorb some vitamin D. We decided to do one hundred days of summer. A picture a day for a hundred days. It sounds like a commitment and I can tell you right now that oftentimes commitment doesn't work for me. Just look at my Twitter account. I go months without posting. Somehow I have myself convinced that I can do this.
So today we were invited to go out on my nephews boat in Harrison. Did I mention I can't swim and I'm a tad afraid of large bodies of water?? I bit the bullet and consented to a fun day on the lake. After getting the lowdown on life jackets (making sure he had some) we hit the road. We met my sister, Karen, at the service station on the corner. She, making the vital purchase of water to take on the lake, was making her way towards us. Seemed a bit redundant but what do I know. I decided that I should do what the natives do and buy some water too. It's the whole, "when in Spain" thing. Walked across the small parking lot and got shooed by a woman in a hard hat. I wanted to talk back to her but she was bigger and younger than I . No doubt a winner in an arm wrestling competition somewhere. So, I did as I was shooed, bought my water and we headed down to the launch. Parking privileges were ours so we were good to go. Jack and Karen launched the boat. Launched sounds wrong somehow. I think with a boat that small it shouldn't be launched so much as just put in the water. Launched should only be used for something the size of a ferry or bigger. Oh well, we had it in the water and headed for Rainbow falls. The weather hadn't warmed up to a decent degree yet so we were bundled and layered. My daughter Melissa, a whiz with a camera, was giving me running instructions on how to get better pictures of the water spray. I have lots of pictures of water spray. It may mean me setting a fair amount of time aside to delete some of them when I get home. Not to worry, that's what digital photography is all about.
Got to the falls and now we're in a sheltered area and the heat of the sun could definitely be felt. We trudged into the shaded and damp forest heading toward the sound of water falling down the mountain. I had a couple of questions before I committed to continuing on our trek. Was there any chance of bears?? What happens if we see one? I found that this information was something I should have in case of a sighting. I then figured I would be okay as I think I can run faster than my sister. Don't have to outrun the bear, just one of the person's in your party. So it was all good until Karen said she wasn't going into the forest with us. I know I couldn't outrun my daughter or my nephew so I would have to take my chances. We got some really nice face time with the falls. It was really quite damp and misty. Jack, my nephew, decided he was wet enough and left us there at the mercy of the elements and whatever was lurking in the trees. I got the pictures with some encouragement from Melissa. We started on back to the shore shooting moss, leaves, tree trunks and ferns.Karen and Jack were soaking up the rays as we approached. As we headed back across the water to Harrison lunch was discussed and Karen offered to buy. Off to the Settler's patio for a peaceful lunch interspersed with thoughts of the day and wee bit of gossip. Beautiful day out on the water, photo ops, pub lunch on the patio and family. You just can't put a price on something like that. Til tomorrow I bid you all a good day and good thoughts.
So today we were invited to go out on my nephews boat in Harrison. Did I mention I can't swim and I'm a tad afraid of large bodies of water?? I bit the bullet and consented to a fun day on the lake. After getting the lowdown on life jackets (making sure he had some) we hit the road. We met my sister, Karen, at the service station on the corner. She, making the vital purchase of water to take on the lake, was making her way towards us. Seemed a bit redundant but what do I know. I decided that I should do what the natives do and buy some water too. It's the whole, "when in Spain" thing. Walked across the small parking lot and got shooed by a woman in a hard hat. I wanted to talk back to her but she was bigger and younger than I . No doubt a winner in an arm wrestling competition somewhere. So, I did as I was shooed, bought my water and we headed down to the launch. Parking privileges were ours so we were good to go. Jack and Karen launched the boat. Launched sounds wrong somehow. I think with a boat that small it shouldn't be launched so much as just put in the water. Launched should only be used for something the size of a ferry or bigger. Oh well, we had it in the water and headed for Rainbow falls. The weather hadn't warmed up to a decent degree yet so we were bundled and layered. My daughter Melissa, a whiz with a camera, was giving me running instructions on how to get better pictures of the water spray. I have lots of pictures of water spray. It may mean me setting a fair amount of time aside to delete some of them when I get home. Not to worry, that's what digital photography is all about.
Got to the falls and now we're in a sheltered area and the heat of the sun could definitely be felt. We trudged into the shaded and damp forest heading toward the sound of water falling down the mountain. I had a couple of questions before I committed to continuing on our trek. Was there any chance of bears?? What happens if we see one? I found that this information was something I should have in case of a sighting. I then figured I would be okay as I think I can run faster than my sister. Don't have to outrun the bear, just one of the person's in your party. So it was all good until Karen said she wasn't going into the forest with us. I know I couldn't outrun my daughter or my nephew so I would have to take my chances. We got some really nice face time with the falls. It was really quite damp and misty. Jack, my nephew, decided he was wet enough and left us there at the mercy of the elements and whatever was lurking in the trees. I got the pictures with some encouragement from Melissa. We started on back to the shore shooting moss, leaves, tree trunks and ferns.Karen and Jack were soaking up the rays as we approached. As we headed back across the water to Harrison lunch was discussed and Karen offered to buy. Off to the Settler's patio for a peaceful lunch interspersed with thoughts of the day and wee bit of gossip. Beautiful day out on the water, photo ops, pub lunch on the patio and family. You just can't put a price on something like that. Til tomorrow I bid you all a good day and good thoughts.
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