Friday, 12 August 2011

Friday, August 12, Peeka joins facebook.

Today I have two check-in's so made sure the rooms were all okay. One of the guests wanted to know if they could check in early and I said yes. At 10:00 a.m. they arrived and settled in for the day. I already vacuumed (well, I used the Rhumba) so I'm pretty much at a loose end for the rest of the day. Spending time on Facebook is primarily what I did. I just recently started playing Gardens of Time and I have to tell you, it's addicting. I figured it would be good for my mind as it utilizes the memory. I need that. Unfortunately, this game calls for more and more friends if you want to expand your garden. I want a huge garden but I only have a few friends that want to play the game. I already bugged my immediate family into joining even though they don't play it. I really want a big garden. Seeing as how I have availed myself of everyone I could think of to sign up I had to come up with someone else to help me. I only needed one more person to get another grid so as I sat watching my cat I had a brilliant idea. Why can't my cat be my friend?? She doesn't do anything else to earn her keep. She could certainly be of some use to me instead of sleeping all day and wanting pets. So I signed her up for a facebook account. Yes, I lied a little on her application. She didn't really go to Chilliwack Secondary School and she really isn't as old as her birthday indicates. You have to be a certain age to join Facebook and she wouldn't have qualified if I had put the correct birthday on there. Now I just have to keep up with her facebook and mine. If this works out I can see a Facebook page for Tequila (Melissa's cat) and maybe even some pets that have passed to that great animal kingdom in the sky. I really want a bigger garden. Maybe I mentioned that already. So stay tuned for more non existent Facebook friends. They are going to help me get a garden bigger than the one I actually own. So until tomorrow I bid you good bye and happy gaming.

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