Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Well, my photo for today was suppose to be "What I wore today." Not a great subject. I wasn't going anywhere so of course my choice of clothing was subdued to say the least. I could have just waited until tomorrow when I might be going somewhere, but that's cheating. We did go out, but just to Wal-Mart. I was dressed well for shopping there. I think I might have even been overdressed. I don't know when our Wal-Mart became one of those stores that people send you pictures about.You know the ones....People of Wal-Mart. I love getting those emails. It makes me feel so well dressed when I see what they are wearing. I made a mental note that most of those stores are in the south of the United States.  I noticed  just after it opened that the dress code had gone sideways. I didn't recognize one single person in there and I was beginning to think they were importing customers from somewhere else. Maybe the deep south.  I'm really not a fan of their new store and it's location anyway. It's just that little bit too far to go if I need something. Even if I do venture out there, they never have what I'm looking for. My blog is short today. Sometimes that's a good thing. I do tend to go on and on sometimes. My emails are the same. A short note turns out to be a novel. Tomorrow my picture is suppose to be "Clouds". Well there certainly is no shortage of them lately. Here's hoping tomorrow dawns with just a hint of clouds.

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